Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) is the confirmation by WebEDI suppliers, that a shipment with certain materials has just been picked up. The Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) is usually based on Forwarder Pickup Advice (FPA).
WebEDI suppliers send Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) via SupplyOn to the customer, who uses it e.g. for goods receipt process.
The ASN created in SupplyOn by ClassicEDI suppliers is not transmitted to the customer, it is solely used to update transport relevant data in the transport management system. ClassicEDI suppliers must continue to send Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) from their own ERP system to the customer.
Details and a step-by-step description can be found in ASN section of the NGTM Supplier User Manuals. This is available for download in the section of User Manuals and Training Documents.