Information by Continental
Nomenclature of status reports
Status Report_ A2C-Nummer_Part Revision Number_CAS Supplier ID_Version
Version numbers
Status Report_ A2C-Nummer_Part Revision Number_CAS Supplier ID_Version
Information by Buying Companies
Once a project has been activated, the change log shows all changes to the project, to the samples, to the elements, and to the work items.
Changes at project level
Revision number
System status
Project name
Assignment to the program
PPAP status
Changes at Project Information level
Field definition changes
A list of actions can be maintained additionally to a project. It can be used to assign actions to elements and track their completion status.
All active participants (on the customer and supplier side) can create, process, and delete actions. Active participants are users who are assigned to a project role.
Note: Actions from the program cannot be transfered to the projects.
When creating a project, please consider that the project can be only accessed by colleagues with an active role in the project. Colleagues can be assigned in tab “project team” of the corresponding project.
More Information
Information from your customers
New programs/projects can only be created by the users of buying companies who have the appropriate authorization.
All information concerning your business partners - from requests for quotations and supplier assessments to the status of development projects or complaints - is brought together in the SupplyOn Management Cockpit. You benefit from this for all important decisions regarding your business relationships, for example when deciding which companies are to be awarded for work, when negotiating contracts or when conducting development discussions.
On this page, you can view and manage attachments.
On the left area, you will see all elements of a business transaction (e.g. Sourcing request, document from Document Management, Problem Solver complaint) in a clear tree structure. You can view attachments by clicking the elements in the tree structure. To view all elements of the business transaction, click on the top element. The amount of attachments in an area is displayed in brackets.
Using this function you grant colleagues access to your data in the system. The colleagues set up can therefore represent you, e.g. when you are absent.
The time restriction of the substitution can make sense, so that substitutes can really only access the processes in the system during your absence. If “E-mail notifications” is checked, your substitute also receives all system e-mails that are addressed to you.
User administrators at supplying companies assign customer responsibles from their company to each buying company.
Note: the role “UM Admin” or “UM Admin Role” is required