If SupplyOn's validation of the invoice did not reveal any errors, these shall be transferred to the Customer's system. If, during processing, the Customer subsequently detects an error in the invoice on his side, he shall do the following:
- He will notify you outside SupplyOn eInvoicing (e.g. by e-mail) and/or
- He sets the customer status for the invoice in SupplyOn eInvoicing to "Document rejected".
The status is visible on the 'Sent' tab in the SupplyOn eInvoicing Invoice list.

Corrections are not possible for an invoice that has already been successfully sent to the customer by SupplyOn eInvoicing. Therefore, you must create a credit note with reference to the invoice and send it to SupplyOn so that the billable quantity of the referenced request document (e.g. an order or a shipping notification) is reduced within SupplyOn Logistics and Finance or AirSupply. You may then have to create a second corrected invoice and send it to SupplyOn eInvoicing.
Then create a new corrected invoice and send it to SupplyOn eInvoicing.
If you have any questions about the customer's rejection of the invoice, please contact the appropriate department at the customer's premises.