只要客户支持人员激活 "启用支持 "选项卡,用户就可以通过 "管理"->"我的用户账户 "获得支持访问。

用户对 "启用支持"选项卡的可见时间是多久?
可能性1:该选项卡被客户支持部门设置为可见。客户没有激活支持访问 -> 该选项卡在48小时后会被停用。
可能性2:该选项卡已被客户支持部门设置为可见。客户激活支持访问 -> 标签在客户定义的时间内保持活跃(+1小时)。
可能性1: 在客户支持人员激活访问并切换到用户账户时,用户已经登录 -> 您可以继续在SupplyOn系统中正常工作。
可能性2:用户已经注销,想要登录,而客户支持人员已经切换到用户账户 -> 无法访问
Possible questions regarding the support access functionality:
How long is the "enable support" tab visible for the user?
Option 1: The Customer Support made the tab visible but the user does not activate the access ->The tab will disappear after 48 hours.
Option 2: The Customer Support made the tab visible and the user activates the access -> The tab will be visible until the end of the time frame that the user defined (+1 hour)
Can I still use SupplyOn while the support access has been enabled?
Option 1: The user is logged on and the support agent is accessing the account via the support access function -> The user can continue working in SupplyOn
Option 2: The user is not logged on and the support agent is accessing the account via the support access function -> The user cannot log in
As soon as the support agent has completed the anaylsis the support access will be ended by the agent.
Is the support access function secure?
SupplyOn guarantees that all legal regulations are maintained as well as the confidentiality of all data. Your access data is used exclusively to solve the issue handled here.