When you have started the rollout, e-mails are generated from the system and sent to the suppliers you have defined.
The service contacts of the rolled out suppliers will receive an email from SupplyOn, requesting them to register ( PID registration – new supplier) or sign up for an additional service ( Booking a Service Connect (Already Registered Supplier). You can find an example email for the following situations here:
- Email to a new supplier unknown to the SupplyOn database (PID Registration), Email Notification to a Supplier for a PID Registration
- Email to a supplier who is already known to the SupplyOn database, Email Notification to a Supplier for an Additional Connect Booking
How can I start the rollout for an additional Service Connect?
Create a new rollout project and upload or enter your supplier master data (please refer to Create a Rollout Project and Upload/Add Supplier Data for more details).