Since 2014, the SupplyOn EMS Service has been used in many Bosch plants worldwide. EMS is a system for electronic empties management between Bosch and its suppliers.
SupplyOn Empties Management System (EMS) enables you to monitor and check the following processes online.
Ordering re-usable empties:
You order empties and can track the order status online at any time.
Monthly account balancing:
A monthly balancing of returnable packaging accounts ensures proper account management and considers necessary complaints.
Complaint management:
The EMS allows you to display every movement of returnable packaging accounts. You gain transparency about your account and can complain about discrepancies before the account balancing period starts.
Annual stocktaking:
At least once a year the physical stocks are recorded to detect differences between system and physical stock. This helps to check the empties cycles and to reconfigure them if necessary.